[Solved] Nuget Package Management problem in Visual Studio 2015 RC

When I tried to used Package Manage Console to install a package, ex. Install-Package UmbracoCms, I got the messages, and it took so long without any replies.

I found out the solution for this * problem from Nuget extension (ver. 3.0.60410.213) on VS 2015 RC. You can follow the steps below to solve it.

1. Uninstall Nuget extension from Visual Studio 2015 RCfix_nuget_14_3


2. Delete the folder in the directory showed below


3. Download the installation file of the older version of Nuget extension from this link: Download.

4. Extract the downloaded file to a folder on your machine.

5. Open Developer Commant Promt for VS 2015


6. Type this command to install it: VSIXInstaller [your_extracted_folder_path]\NuGet.Tools.vsix /admin

Example: VSIXInstaller c:\nuget14_VisualStudio\NuGet.Tools.vsix /admin

Press enter to start installing

Open Visual Studio 2015 and try again to see ‘the magic’ 😀



9 thoughts on “[Solved] Nuget Package Management problem in Visual Studio 2015 RC

  1. Pingback: Install Umbraco 7 in Visual Studio 2015 RC using Nuget Package Management | Huy Tran's space
    • I think Nuget, Nuget team’s still working on it, and many bug has been reported. Anyways, this is still a testing version 😀

  2. EXCELLENT fix! I’ve been fighting with Visual Studio for three days trying every other solution. Yours worked PERFECTLY! Thank you so much!

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