Running Umbraco 7 hosting on IIS 8.5 in Windows 8.1

In this post, I want to show you how to hosting Umbraco 7 on localhost IIS 8.5 in Windows 8.1. First of all, make sure IIS is available on your machine. If not, you can turn it on by using Turn Windows features on or off  in the Control Panel.


Make sure these things are ticked to prevent getting errors when running Umbraco later.


After activating IIS on your machine, open it, and add a new website for Umbraco.


OK, basic steps are done, let’s open it in web browser, and see ‘the magic’ 😀


To navigate to admin page, just type /umbraco after your Umbraco web address, it will automatically redirect to http://localhost:{your-port}/umbraco#/login/false, and the login screen appears.



Done, now you got your Umbraco website up and running on your machine. Good luck! 😀

Install Umbraco 7 manually using its installation package in Visual Studio 2015 RC

In this post, I will show you how to install Umbraco manually by using its installation package in Visual Studio 2015 RC. First of all, you go to its community website, choose the version you want to install, and download it. In this post, I choose version 7.2.5-RC for the demo.


Next, unzip the file to a folder on your machine, open Visual Studio 2015 RC, choose Files -> Open -> Web Site… Continue reading

Install Umbraco 7 in Visual Studio 2015 RC using Nuget Package Management

Today I try to install Umbraco CMS in the new Visual Studio 2015 RC using Nuget Package Management. I will write short because the installation made me disappointed, and took me a lot of time to wait for nothing. If you don’t know what Umbraco is, and what it can do, you can go to its official page (Umbraco website), and its community website (Umbraco Community) to figure out more .


Besides, you can install Umbraco using Webmatrix, Web Platform Installer, or download .zip package from its website. Continue reading

Windows 10 Technical Preview – A nightmare!!!

After watching BUILD 2015 event, I was inspired by what Microsoft are doing, especially Hololens. I went to their download website to download the newest, hottest OS of Microsoft, Windows 10 (Technical Preview, build 10074).

The first issue I met was the installation files was not copied completely to my machine, and it hang at 48%. This was my fault because I burnt the OS iso file to the DVD with high speed. So, I burnt the ISO file to another DVD with lower speed, and it worked :D. Now, welcome Cortana in Windows 10 :D.

Cortana in Windows 10 Technical Preview


Well, the first installation was so good. There is no problems with the original OS. You can find many beautiful photos, videos on other blogs about this hottest OS, so I don’t post them here, because I have to capture the same screenshots to show you, and I’m a ‘lazy man’ 😀 (just kidding). After making a tour with this OS, I clicked update to check out if there’s any installation for my drivers, especially my NVIDIA graphic card driver. Hooray, it had, and bonus with an update for the OS, KB3061161. I let it updated without restarting my computer, and everything was still good. And, it’s time for the dark, and the nightmare, hoho. I restarted my computer after install some products from Adobe, and Wacom tablet driver. The BLUE restarting screen appeared, and hang there with unlimited time. OMG, really!!! Yes, it was. Continue reading

Unistall fully jQuery package using nuget management without getting errors

Hi all, I think some of you are getting this error when trying uninstalling jQuery package after installing it successfully using Nuget Package Management (in console also). You can get the error like this


This error caused by dependencies of jQuery package when you installed it using Nuget Package Management tool.  The simple solution I show you here is you just remove its dependencies 🙂


So, you now uninstall jQuery package successfully :).

SharePoint Workspace đổi thành SkyDrive Pro trong phiên bản Office 15 (2013)

Nếu bạn đã tải về và dùng thử phiên bản Microsoft Office 2013 (hay còn gọi là Office 15) thì bạn sẽ thấy rằng, trong các mục cài đặt sẽ không có SharePoint Workspace như ở phiên bản trước đó là Office 2010, mà bạn sẽ thấy có thêm mục tùy chọn cài đặt là SkyDrive Pro (khác với SkyDrive dành cho dịch vụ lưu trữ đám mấy của Microsoft cung cấp cho người dùng cá nhân sử dụng tài khoản Windows Live). Như vậy, làm cách nào để đồng bộ dữ liệu từ hệ thống SharePoint của bạn về máy tính với phiên bản mới này. Đơn giản, bạn có thể thực hiện như sau:

B1: đăng nhập vào hệ thống SharePoint của bạn.

B2: trong tab Site Actions, bạn chọn Sync to SharePoint Workspace tương tự như phiên bản trước (tính năng này sẽ không xuất hiện khi bạn sử dụng các trình duyệt không phải là Internet Explorer).

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Cấu hình và tạo trang đa ngôn ngữ với SharePoint 2010

Trước tiên, bạn hãy tải về gói cài đặt ngôn ngữ muốn sử dụng trong SharePoint theo đường dẫn này: SharePoint 2010 language pack (chọn ngôn ngữ và tải về). Gói cài đặt này áp dụng cho SharePoint Server 2010, Project Server 2010, SharePoint Search Server 2010, SharePoint Search Server Express 2010 và Office Web Apps 2010. Sau khi đã tài về thì bạn tiến hành cài đặt và cấu hình lại SharePoint Server 2010 bằng cách chọn SharePoint 2010 Products Configuration Wizard.multilang_sharepoint_2010_1

Sau khi cấu hình lại xong, bạn quay trở lại vào phần Site Settings và sẽ thấy xuất hiện thêm tùy chọn Language settings.

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Integrate Project Server 2013 with SharePoint Server 2013

First, you have download the installation file for Project Server 2013. Fortunately, today, I have received an email from Microsoft inform me that I can download Project Server 2013  (final version) for evaluation in 180 days. Here is the link to download.

After installation Project Server 2013, run SharePoint Product Configuration Wizard to re configure SharePoint Server on your machine. Next, go to Central Administration page, select Manage service application.

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